I dabble in quilting and have created several for the Children's Aid Society "Hope Chest Auction" event. This event is held in March each year in Birmingham, Alabama. You can check out Children's Aid calendar at http://www.childrensaid.org/
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Belle is always eager to please
I have 2 dogs. Henry is 14 and Belle is 3. Every morning and evening we make one last outing to "go potty". It is the last thing we do before we go to bed or I leave for work.
Most times it's not an issue - we go outside and I tell them to "lets go potty one last time" and they go and do their business. However, there will be some mornings or evenings where we had gone out earlier to chase a squirrel and we don't need to go again. On these occasions, like this morning, Belle will go out into the yard, squat down, turn and look at me, jump up, grin with tongue hanging out and run to the door - doesn't do a thing but thinks if she squats down, moma will be happy.
She is always eager to please.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
my grandson talks to God

I went for dinner with "the kids" today and my daughter-in-law was telling me how my son had gotten upset with my oldest grandson who is 3 for spilling a glass of liquid on both of them. My son "grouched" at him and really hurt his feelings. Later he was telling his moma that dad had hurt his feelings and moma told him that everybody gets upset sometimes and grouches and that dad had apologized for gouching and you just have to forget about it and go on. My grandson looked at his mom and said "I'm gonna have to talk to God about that and tell Him He should have made us tighter".
Sometimes you just have to wonder where they come up with this stuff.
Birthday at Gulf Shores
I'm willing to do just about anything in the name of fun for those little guys. Guess it keeps me young.
Did you notice the "John Deere" birthday cake? It's all about some big equipment at that age.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Santa's at the North Pole
I spent my lunch hour visiting with my grandsons. My oldest and I were talking about Santa. I'm not sure how it came up in July but I asked him what he thought Santa could bring him and he got very animated and said he didn't have a walkie talkie so he could call Tom when there was an emergency (from Fireman Sam) and that Santa could bring him some. I told him he needed to be good and take his nap because Santa was watching him. He informed me "no he's not Nona, Santa lives far, far away at the North Pole. And I told him even so, Santa knew what he was doing, whether he was good or bad and if he took his naps. "No Nona, Santa lives far, far away at the North Pole and he can't see that far. Well, this went back and forth for a while - he looked at his dad and asked "dad, can Santa see me? How? I told him that Santa was magic and remember how on tv it shows Santa looking in the crystal ball and seeing everything. Well, he once again argued with me that Santa was at the North Pole, far, far away and he couldn't see him. The argument continued until I had to go back to work. I'm not sure if he ever took a nap but I have decided he will most likely end up a lawyer - he never backed down from his argument that Santa could not see him.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
After a meeting in B'ham yesterday I got to Mobile around 9:45pm - picked up the dogs and got home around 10:00pm. After getting them settled, unpacking and cooling the house off I got to bed around 11:00pm. Finally dozed off around midnight and was restless all night long. Clock went off at 6am and I got up at 7am. Needless to say today was a loooong day at work. At about 3pm I could hardly keep my eyes open and then I remembered my "award" from camp. JG gave everyone their favorite candy bar for doing such a good job at camp!
Thanks JG! I was able to finish out the day.
Monday, July 20, 2009
A boy's view
I am always sharing with my oldest grandson things I find in my garden. He is 3 years old.
When I visited him on Sunday and again on Monday, he asked for my camera and said "Nona, I want to show you something". Here are the photos my grandson took.
While I share various bugs, snails, lizards or frogs with him I was impressed with the details he shared with me on his discoveries. The spiders help us by eating bad bugs like mosquitos; his moma really likes flowers; and the ants eat the dead bugs in the yard.
Pretty good for a 3 year old.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
growing pineapples
As you know by now, I love growing things. A friend/someone I work with recently went to Hawaii and got to see first hand how pineapples are grown. Well, here is my own pineapple garden. I haven't as yet produced a pineapple but my sister has so I know it's possible - I just have to keep trying. I currently have a 3yr old plant and one I put in a pot last week. I like to check and see if any little pineapples are growing but nothing yet. However, I did get a surprise when I checked it early this morning and just had to get the camera.
I love little surprises.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Times have changed
I love my daughter-in-law. I couldn't have gone out and hand picked a better mate for my son. He managed to get it right all by himself.
They invited me to dinner last night - fish and grits. There was my daughter-in-law, laptop on the kitchen counter top whipping up "Paula Deen Cheese Grits" from a recipe on-line. Times have definitely changed but let me tell you the grits were the best! My son had gone on a charter fishing trip so the fish was fresh and it was delicious too.
They make quite a team.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
the dragonfly
I love nature; trees, flowers, and insects. I introduced my son to nature - crawling around in the yard watching ants making their way to and from home, spiders spinning webs, butterflies hatching; leaves changing colors, tadpoles changing into toads - it was miracles in the making.
I found a dragonfly in my grandsons front yard and picked him up. I placed him on a flower at the front door and went inside to get my grandson. He was very interested in the wings, and told me to touch it and see how soft it's body was.
I wasn't sure what his reaction would be but I think the photos speak for themselves.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Little Diva

Don't you just love these photos? Alexandra is my great niece and 3 years old. She was on the way to the beach and the zoo at Gulf Shores. Complete with movie star sunglasses, a cool drink and puppy neck pillow she is ready for the long ride. She was so serious about "the trip". Her moma kept asking if she wanted a snack and her reply was "no, I'll wait for my trip". After the zoo and a day at the beach she was exhausted and actually fell asleep on the beach.
She had a great time.
Monday, July 6, 2009
things that stick in my craw
I recently signed up for high speed wireless - ok, so I know I'm probably the last hold out and stuck with dial up longer than anyone else. And I agree I only got it because I got these great rebates if I purchased the plan. Well, I had no clue the process it takes to get the things. I assumed (I know) once I signed up for high speed and wireless and clicked on all the appropriate little boxes that I would get my rebate - right? Well, a couple weeks later, I got a little card that said I had so many days to activate my rebate. What if I had been on a world cruise or something? Ok that will probably never happen - sea sickness- but you get the idea. So I came in and logged on and went to their website and entered the necessary data. Now, I have to wait 3 months before I get the thing.
This also happened when I purchased new pots and pans before Christmas from a local department store - I just happened to run across the form I submitted to get my rebate. Now remember it is July. I called the company and they said it had not been activated. I read every word on the form I had copied and no where did it say I had to call to activate - well, I was informed I could expect my rebate in 6-8 weeks - it's already been over 6 months.
Moral of the story - if you want a rebate, you have to jump through hoops and check on it.
This also happened when I purchased new pots and pans before Christmas from a local department store - I just happened to run across the form I submitted to get my rebate. Now remember it is July. I called the company and they said it had not been activated. I read every word on the form I had copied and no where did it say I had to call to activate - well, I was informed I could expect my rebate in 6-8 weeks - it's already been over 6 months.
Moral of the story - if you want a rebate, you have to jump through hoops and check on it.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
blackberry cornbread approval
I delivered blackberry cornbread to my niece and her family today. Everyone was very excited to see me. As the muffins were passed out, my great niece Alexandra who is 3 took a big bite and said "thank you for the delicious cupcake Essie". She gave me a big hug and kept saying over and over again that they were delicious. That girl loves anything that resembles a cupcake.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
coffee with the grandchildren
My daughter-in-law is the most wonderful daughter-in-law in the world. She is beautiful, talented and a fantastic mother. I am glad she is a part of my family.
She knows I enjoy spending time with the boys so she makes sure I get to have my morning coffee with them everyday - even when I'm not at home.
I get a new coffee mug every Mothers Day and Christmas.
She's so good to me.
Camp Diva

Let me explain. First I had to pack all my stuff in my car to go to camp. It included a coffee pot, a fan (very small), food and water (I only drink canned carbonated water of a certain brand). I made blackberry cornbread muffins, oatmeal blueberry muffins, chicken salad, de-boned a chicken and made spicy meat pies. These must of course go into a ice chest. I had 2 sleeping bags, my pillow, my sheets, my suitcase filled with my clothes and shoes, my makeup case - yes I never leave home without it. I also had the decorations, air freshener, supplies for creating changing rooms and craft supplies for my cabin - Australia. I had the 55 cup coffee maker for the lodge, water and snacks for the south bus ride home and my camera and backpack filled with sunscreen and bug spray.
Now, I have to pick up Debra who has enough clothes for 2 months (this was her first camp and wasn't sure what to bring - packed a lot of jeans and it was 1000 degrees every day), food that her wonderful husband prepared and froze for her and her books she was going to read (ha!) and entertainment and talent show supplies for her group.
Last but not least we had to pick up Daniel and thank goodness he packs lite or he would have had to ride on the top of the car.
So, in the process of getting everything together, I forgot my "Red Carpet" evening dresses - had packed enough for 3 people but left everything in my closet. Well, about 3 hrs into the trip I remembered them - thought about going back but...came to my senses.
I couldn't let those children down on "Mystery Night" so I improvised. Not only did I improvise but I talked my two other cabin sleepers Callie and Lynne into donning the plastic table cloth dresses and paper flowers with me. It's just a shame you couldn't see my black flip flops with the silver glitter - very glam.
The girls were hilarious. One wanted to know if we were really going to wear that. Another said she was embarrassed by us. One said we looked like were in rain gear and another said it looked like garbage bags to her. But we assured them it was the latest fashion...they didn't buy it.
As we walked down the red carpet, we were blowing kisses to our "fans". It was a hoot! We all had a fantastic time. The next night, we had to reassure the girls we weren't wearing our "latest fashion" to the talent show. The seemed extremely pleased.
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