Sunday, September 27, 2009


The 'kids' came for lunch today. The grand boys got to pick my satsuma's. They were very excited to pick them but not quite sure what to do with them - they were green and yellow in color. My oldest grandson asked me "what do you do with it Nona?" When I told him he could peel it and eat it he said "no thanks". I started peeling one and told him it was like an orange and he said he liked oranges. My youngest spit the first bite out and shook his head no. Once I broke a piece in half and he put it in his mouth, he decided he liked it and was headed back to the tree to pick more.

These are young trees and I only got 7 off one tree and 2 off the other - as it turned out there were not enough. The youngest was not happy that they had all been picked.

I guess I need to plant more trees this fall and hope for a better crop next year.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Iron Chefs and Movies

It was date night for my son and daughter-in-law and I got to keep my grandsons. We have so much fun from the minute I walk in the door until I leave. Tonight, we posed for pictures; jumped on the trampoline; watched The Bee Movie; The Jungle Book; and Fire Rocket something. But of course while the movies are playing, there is more going on.
We shopped for groceries with the shopping cart, had to find baby things for the doll, the trailer wouldn't stay attached to the tractor - no way no how - not a good thing.
I enjoyed the best pink play-doh spaghetti I have ever been served. It was served with great care out of the pan with the metal serving spoon. We ate on the floor straight out of the pot - much praise was made over the wonderful smell as it was cooking and the amazing taste.
Played bubbles in the tub and painted Nona and the tub with bath paint.
Was snuggling up on the couch when mom and dad came home.
Nona's world is a great place to be.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Acorns galore

It's that time of year - leaves aren't falling yet but there are acorns galore! It's not safe to walk in the back yard. If you aren't rolling around on them on the patio, they are bonking you on the head- and believe me that hurts!

The squirrels should be happy!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I have heard horror stories about daughters-in-law. Well, I have to say, I have the best daughter-in-law any mother could ask for. She is always supportive, she includes me in the activities with the boys, and she gives out hugs and kisses and I Love You's to me every time I see her.
My son is also pretty incredible too.
I am truly a blessed mom.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A lot of minutes

My oldest grandson has been feeling a little under the weather lately. I went to visit today and even though he didn't feel his best, he still wanted to go to the play room and play. As we were sitting on the floor playing, The Jungle Book came on. I was excited and asked him if he wanted to watch it. He turned and looked at me and got very serious and said "I've seen it Nona, it's a lot of minutes - it takes a long time."
Needless to say, we continued to play with the trucks and cars.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The boys take a ride

My grandsons spied the dog statue I have sitting next to my fireplace. Of course after one climbed on for a ride the other had to try it out too. The dog didn't do anything or go anywhere but you would have thought they had found a new toy.
It just doesn't get any better than this.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I saw Taylor Swift

If you have followed my blog you know my grandsons watch a squirrel they have named Taylor Swift. I was visiting during lunch one day and I saw the squirrel. When I asked my grandson why he named the squirrel Taylor Swift he held his hands out and said "Nona, Taylor Swift is a singer" I got the impression their should have been a "duh" following the statement.
Sometimes it's hard to follow a 3yr olds logic - but it works for him.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm gonna be a fireman!

I am always entertained when I visit my grandsons. "Nona, catch me when I run; Nona, lets go in the play room; Nona, hide me." Always so much to do! Saturday, my oldest met me at the door with "Nona, did you come to play with me?" He was dressed like a dr in scrubs and Bitty was in a fireman's boot - just one, walking around. When I asked him what he was wearing I got "I'm gonna be a dr when I grow up and Bitty's gonna be a dentist like dad." After Bitty decided he had had enough of being a fireman and started playing with playdoh, the oldest changed his mind and said he was gonna be a fireman!. So now we had to put on boots, fire hat, find the fire truck, walkie talkies, emergency phone and the list went on and on.
I was ready for a nap by the time I finished "playing" with the boys.
Ain't Life Grand?

Game Day - Roll Tide Roll

Game Day is a Big Deal at my son's house. The flag is out, the pillows on the couch, everybody is dressed in the appropriate colors. When I asked my 3yr old grandson if he was watching the football game, he said in All Caps - IT'S ALABAMA FOOTBALL- Nona.

Enough Said.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I love it when kids come to visit. They can always find something to do - doesn't take much to keep them entertained when you turn them loose in the house or yard.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Key West, Florida

I visited my brother in Key West back in April and fell in love with the place. There was so much to see and do. Loved the Sunset Celebration with all the street vendors and entertainment. My nephew took us up in his plane and the waters were something else. I plan on visiting again in October.
If it wasn't for my son and his family, I think I could move to Key West.