Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Eve and the good list

Wow, the holidays are over and I'm exhausted.  Thanksgiving was spent with family and friends.  Christmas was a lot of shopping, baking, cooking, opening presents, and loving on those grandboys.  The entire day was spent at my son's house with visitors popping in and out all day long. 
New Years Eve found me playing "lets hold hands, spin in a circle, and fall down" for way too long and then we sat in the swing and watched the blimp fly by.  "You know Nona, there are are a lot of blimps at the blimp shop- about 10.  That blimp is really big - but not as big as our house; look at it, we have a really big house".  "Nona, you see that chimney up there?  that's where Santa brought our John Deere Gator.  See that flat spot in front of it?  That's were he landed his sleigh.  The reindeer just slid to a stop, Santa jumped out and went down the chimney.  Then he came back out and flew away to the next house, landed, took toys to good boys and girls, and went to the next house, landed, took toys to the good boys and girls and went to the next house.  You know he has a naughty list for kids who have been bad and a good list for kids like me and bitty."
We agreed we would eat our dinner, take a bath with bubbles and stuff that turns the water colors, then watch a movie and eat popcorn just like at the movies.  After dinner we watched "Bob the Builder", "Fireman Sam to the Rescue", and "Barney" which the youngest hated everytime it came on - and it played about 4 times that night.  After watching those roll over and over and over again, we agreed on "Diego" three or four times.  After our bath and popping popcorn it was "The Jungle Book" again.  Nona can probably recite it word for word - love those bear necessities.  My kids came home at 10pm; one of the boys was asleep and the other was wound up tight.  I was home by 11:00 and in my bed by midnight - heard all the neighbors fireworks and even watched some before I went to bed.
2010 is off to a good start!

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