Saturday, June 20, 2009

over achiever - definitions

Have you ever wondered what defines an over achiever?

I recently spent 5 days preparing for and assisting with a youth camp experience. The camp grounds are very nice. Each cabin has a theme and when I was assigned a cabin weeks in advance, I researched information on my theme, printed out photos, ordered decorations, created informational pages and such for the young children in my cabin. I also planned on activities for the down times when the children were expected to rest - coloring pages, crafts, and other things to keep the children from getting bored and missing home. I also prepared for and took the things I might need while away from home for a week. As others visited my cabin, comments were made with a negative tone that I was an "over achiever". After hearing this several times throughout the week, I began to wonder...what is an over achiever?

Is it someone who goes beyond what is expected of them? Is it someone who prepares in advance? Is it someone who wants to insure the work they do is acceptable and exceptional?

I know the definition of an under achiever so what is the definition of someone who isn't either?

The ones who do just what is expected of them. The ones who don't put any extra effort into a job. The ones who plod along never doing anything more than is asked of them. The ones happy with just doing the minimum. The ones just getting by. What type achiever are they.

Even though the term "over achiever" was used negatively, I have decided I will just be the odd man out and continue to be that "over achiever".


Grits and Lavash said...

Great blog, Nona, congratulations! The definition of an overachiever is one who achieves success over and above the standard or expected level. Maybe some people need to raise their expectancy level. John Osteen said, "It's better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit it." Sounds like you aimed at being a blessing to some very special kids and I know they are happy you hit the mark! Well done!

Tiffany said...

Overachiever is nevr a bad thing, not in my book. :-) I called you an over achiever too but I certainly hope you didn't take it negatively. Your fun to pick at because you're so good at what you do for the kids.