I work for Alabama Pre/Post Adoption Connections - a program of Children's Aid Society out of Birmingham, AL. APAC works with adoptive and foster families offering services such as family support groups, library resources relating to adoption and foster care including parenting, health related issues, grief and loss, children's resources on foster care and adoption and many other adoption/foster care related issues. Each year we offer a camp for 100+ adopted children and at least once a year each region has a respite event for their counties. Yesterday, APAC Region III had it's "back to school" respite event for adoptive families in the Mobile area for 4 hours. We had 20+ children attend. We had a snack and coloring pages while parents were registering, then we moved to coloring wooden cutouts for our mural/art wall. The children chose an item, colored it and glued it to our mural. They then worked on weaving, more coloring pages, crafts with door hangers, bookmarks & stickers, jewelery making, face painting and one group of girls sang for us the entire time. We ended the event with pizza and cookies.
The children left with lots of "projects" and the parents had the opportunity to do that last minute school shopping, catch up on household chores, or just take a much needed nap.
Parents returned with thanks and appreciation for the much needed time and the kids left with fun things to take home.
Overall, it was a very exciting, fun-filled event for all.
We are much appreciative of the assistance of our children's group therapists, volunteers from RSVP (Retired Seniors Volunteer Program) and others who volunteered their time to these families - thank you. We couldn't have done it without you.
APAC Region III will have it's Baldwin County respite later in the month.
To find out more about APAC or Children's Aid Society go to http://www.childrensaid.org/
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