Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gulf Shores APAC All Staff Retreat

For the past 3 years Alabama Pre/Post Adoption Connections has gone to Gulf Shores for a retreat/planning event.  The view from our meeting room is very distracting - but you would be amazed at the amount of work we accomplish.  I think we work really hard so we can have a little play time as well. 
Everyone pitches in and works on the meals and the clean up - they are gourmet meals let me tell you.  We have some "Iron Chef's" in our group along with quite a few artist. 
At dinner one night we had vegetable lasagne and chicken casserole; at breakfast one morning omlets in a bag and the next was homemade sausage biscuits; lunch was homemade calzone; there were Halloween cake pops and fabulous pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing.  Everyone ate too much!
Though most meals were prepared by staff, we also went to dinner at LuLu's one night, some visited the Pink Pony Pub, played games that a lot of people needed to practice, walked on the beach at sunrise and others who walked on the beach in the pouring rain.
We worked hard and had a lot of fun.  It was a great experience.

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