Sunday, August 30, 2009

The grandboys see Taylor Swift

I was at the kids recently and my youngest grandson kept pointing out the window and my daughter-in-law kept asking him "do you see Taylor Swift"? Well, I was being entertained by the oldest grandson and didn't ask "What?????"
I was talking to my son this past week and he said they had a squirrel in their yard with a white tuft at the end of it's tail and was able to pick it out from the other squirrels because of it tail. My son said my oldest grandson had named it "Taylor Swift" and whenever he saw that particular squirrel, he would point and say, "there's Taylor Swift".
My grandson is a very big country music fan.
His favorite song now is Toes by the Zack Brown Band - goes around singing the chorus. If you are unfamiliar with the tune, you can google it.
Life is Good Today.

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