Sunday, September 27, 2009


The 'kids' came for lunch today. The grand boys got to pick my satsuma's. They were very excited to pick them but not quite sure what to do with them - they were green and yellow in color. My oldest grandson asked me "what do you do with it Nona?" When I told him he could peel it and eat it he said "no thanks". I started peeling one and told him it was like an orange and he said he liked oranges. My youngest spit the first bite out and shook his head no. Once I broke a piece in half and he put it in his mouth, he decided he liked it and was headed back to the tree to pick more.

These are young trees and I only got 7 off one tree and 2 off the other - as it turned out there were not enough. The youngest was not happy that they had all been picked.

I guess I need to plant more trees this fall and hope for a better crop next year.

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