Monday, June 29, 2009

All about some shoes

I write a lot about my oldest grandson but that's just because he has so much to say. The youngest who we call Biddy isn't saying much yet - he's a man of few words but he gets his ideas across.

Biddy is all about some shoes as most kids his age are. He is always trying on his older brothers shoes and it doesn't matter if they match or not.

He is just getting to the point where the look he gives you tells you more than any words ever could.
Check out his shoes. At least he picked out shoes that match his clothes.


Grits and Lavash said...

Hmmmm, where have we seen this mis-matching characteristic before? Oh yeah, Aunt Jody! Don't worry, there's still hope for Bitty!

Jamie said...

I could munch on those biceps and not get full...