Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No emply bowls in this house

I guess I need to introduce you to my companions. Henry is 14 and Belle is 3. They are the most wonderful dogs in the world and I tell them every day at least 10 times. It doesn't matter if I have been gone a week or just out to check the mail, they throw a welcome home party for me when I walk in the door.

One of the most important parts of my job is to keep the food bowl full. I have one of those pet buffet stands with 2 bowls - one for water and one for food. Well, they are both constantly filled with food. If a bowl is empty, one or the other will rattle that particular pan until I put something in it. The other can be full but since one is empty, it too needs to be filled.

Therefore, no empty bowls in my house.

1 comment:

The Sextons said...

Aww your dogs are cute!