Sunday, July 19, 2009

growing pineapples

As you know by now, I love growing things. A friend/someone I work with recently went to Hawaii and got to see first hand how pineapples are grown. Well, here is my own pineapple garden. I haven't as yet produced a pineapple but my sister has so I know it's possible - I just have to keep trying. I currently have a 3yr old plant and one I put in a pot last week. I like to check and see if any little pineapples are growing but nothing yet. However, I did get a surprise when I checked it early this morning and just had to get the camera.
I love little surprises.


Bigger said...

The pineapples are awesome but not as awesome as your dragonfly header for your blog! Love it!!!!

Nona said...

Of course Nona took that photo in her garden - it was sitting on my pineapple plant